The Tippecanoe Youth Choir is a perfoming ensemble in Tippecanoe County. Initially founded in Fall 2021 with the Youth Choir, it expanded to include the Children's Choir in January 2022, and the Youth Singers fall of 2022. Each choir rehearses once a week for one hour, with the purpose of learning challenging choral literature, improving vocal technique, and fostering a love of choral music. Currently offering Fall and Winter sessions, we welcome children and youth who love to sing!
If your child loves to sing there is a place for him/her in the Tippecanoe Children's Choir! With no audition or vocal assessment required, the choir is open to any children in grades 3-5. Singers will be exposed to a variety of musical styles while learning to sing with a beautiful tone. Singers will be introduced to singing in harmony, laying a foundation for continued choral experiences.
Rehearsals: Thursdays from 4:45-5:45pm
Covenant Church 211 Knox Dr West Lafayette
The Tippecanoe Youth Choir is for youth in grades 6-8. Singers will be taught proper vocal technique while learning songs in numerous musical styles and harmonies. There is no audition or vocal assessment required. If your child has a desire to sing, they are welcome to join!
Rehearsals: Thursdays 5:50-6:50pm
Covenant Church 211 Knox Dr, West Lafayette
The Youth Singers is for grades 9-12. Our most advanced group, the Youth Singers continue their exposure to a wide variety of choral literature in four-part harmony, both accompanied and a capella. Proper vocal technique and tone production are emphasized in this ensemble. No audition or vocal assessment required.
Rehearsals: Wednesdays from 5:30 - 6:30pm
Covenant Church 211 Knox Dr, West Lafayette